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Smart workplace advice

Employer slammed $364k for not investigating workplace bullying

Employer slammed $364k for not investigating workplace bullying

In another “when will they ever learn” example, a Sunshine Coast employer has been hit with a 6 figure payout for the consequences of failing to investigate workplace bullying – burying your head in the sand is now a costly option.

After multiple failures from senior staff members and a general disregard for the basic tenets of a workplace investigation, this incredibly costly mistake contains some harsh realities for employers.

Miss this week’s lesson at your own peril.

Employer unfairly sacks ‘workplace bully’

On January 1 2014, unprecedented workplace bullying legislation will come into force.

Employers will need to ensure that they know how to correctly characterise and investigate workplace bullying in order to avoid experiencing the disappointment of one recent employer who’s investigation ended up in an expensive wild goose chase.

Facing an unfair dismissal claim over a panicked reaction to an apparent bullying claim, this case contains a dire warning for employers – correctly investigate workplace complaints or else.

‘Bart Simpson defence’ in workplace investigation sinks swearing employee

This employee seemed to think that maintaining a ‘Bart Simpson defence’ would be his silver bullet against allegations of abusive and insulting language.

Coupled with a failure to cooperate or show remorse during the ensuing workplace investigation, the employee found himself in dire straits before the Fair Work Commission.

Find out what the Commission thought of this behaviour and why it warranted his dismissal …

Swearing and Abuse by Union Officials – Do you know how to handle it?

Faced with threats, racial abuse and other aggressive conduct from an employee or their representative how would you react?

Horror stories abound in the HR world of expletive-ridden tirades, shocking attitudes and confronting union behaviours often spoiling for a fight when conducting HR investigations.

It is up to competent HR investigators to be able to handle the many tactics used by opponents during a workplace investigation in order to keep their investigation on track.

Read on to see how the Fair Work Commission responded to one individual’s shocking behaviour in his role as a union official.

Huge workplace bullying payout gives employers 600,000 rea$ons to investigate complaints

Huge workplace bullying payout gives employers 600,000 reasons to investigate complaints

If you’re looking for a compelling reason to investigate allegations of workplace bullying, this would have to be it.

For over 5 and a half years, an employee was subjected to sustained intimidation, bullying and harassment by her manager, culminating in the development of a severe psychological condition. Despite repeated complaints to her employer over this period, astoundingly no workplace investigation of her complaints was ever conducted.

This recent Supreme Court decision now provides 600,000 reasons why investigating allegations of workplace bullying is crucial before it goes too far.

Workplace bullying flair up: Employer’s workplace investigation dismissal vindicated by FWC

Following two days of sustained adverse conduct, including shouting, swearing and being demanding, the use of obscene language and interfering in the work of other employees, this employee considered his summary dismissal unfair.

His employer and ultimately the Fair Work Commission – did not agree.

Workplace bullying can occur without warning. See how this employer responded to a pressure situation of sudden, aggressive and abusive behaviour without falling for a bully’s trap.

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